Choose a time slot from the calendar below and Rich will personally show you around Motional - during this we can chat with you about your specific situation and go through any questions you have. It may be worthwhile getting a member of SLT along to the demo as well.
"I was originally introduced to Motional in my part time job as Social and Emotional and Mental Health Specialist Teacher for our Local Authority. I thought it was so useful that we then bought it at the school where I work as SENCO. I felt confident that I had a tool to track progress and to evidence the impact of the pastoral provision we were putting in place. I shared what we were using with our family of schools and it was decided that we would buy Motional for all 5 of our primaries so that we had a common assessment tool that would allow us to support the children we had with SEMH needs and track their progress. It has also meant that we can provide comparable assessments for funding requests."
Liz White, Nottingham
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